


Karl Dunn was the Global Creative Director on several world-famous brands like MINI Cooper, Levi’s, and ASICS. He spent over two decades as a multi-award winning advertising creative working in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and America.

These days in his advertising life, Karl works between LA and Berlin as a freelance writer/consultant for American, European, and global brands, especially on their LGBTQ+ endeavors like Pride.

Back in 2017 though, his life burned to the ground when he told his husband he wanted a divorce. After discovering there was zero support available for divorcing employees in corporate America, the combined pressures of his position and legal battles caused him to flame out and lose his job in LA. Just a few months later, Karl was sleeping on an air mattress in Berlin with no job, visas, or money left. Using his divorce as his crisis of identity, Karl chronicled the whole experience in his book How To Burn A Rainbow, where he gave up chasing everyone else’s dream to find his own.

It’s an Eat Pray Love style, riches-to-rags-and-back journey; an intimate, honest, and revealing look at divorce and self-love that questions and reframes the entire institution of marriage. As Karl writes in his book, “My marriage didn’t make me whole, my divorce did.”

Now Karl is an keynote speaker for Divorce Reform as a mental health issue in the corporate world, and Same-Sex Divorce. Karl’s career as an author is just beginning as he seeks to show that the question we should be asking is not if LGBTQ+ people should exist, but why LGBTQ+ people exist – a question he believes is of crucial importance to the world.